Studies have shown if you have a core group of friends, you will have overall good health and social life. In 2019, we created a pilot program for young adults on the spectrum.

Young Adult Connection (YAC) program is for individuals with autism ages 19 to 30 years old. The YAC program is designed for young adults with autism to make new friends while working on social, life and soft job skills. Our group members get to choose a specific community outing each month. YAC community outings could be volunteering at a local library, going to see a movie, shopping at the mall, going to a baseball game, playing bowling ball, enjoy holiday parties, etc.
Many of our group members have jobs, going to college, wanting to be more independent and looking for their own housing options. Several group members are starting to meet outside of our community outings which is the purpose of this program.

Individuals who benefit from Young Adult Connection:
- Enjoy and are successful in small group settings. The participant to staff ratio is 4:1.
- Can participate in group activities for 10-15 minutes.
- Possess communication skills to express wants and needs.
- Are independent with personal hygiene.
- Do not require 1:1 behavioral support.
- Are not a flight risk.

Becoming a Program Sponsor allows your business or organization to directly support our Young Adult Connection, My Summer Journey and Teen Connection programs. Your sponsorship will go towards the programs budgets to enable us to provide programming, supplies and staff for teens and young adults with autism. Monthly recurring payments option available.
Feel free to Download Young Adult Connection Flyer to learn more about the program and share with your contacts.
If you have any questions about the program contact Elizabeth Howard, Adult Program Coordinator at or call 317-676-4222 x102.
Program Sponsors
Program Mission Sponsor
Program Advocate Sponsor