Our Adult and Teen Programs
Young Adult Connection (YAC) program is for individuals with autism ages 19 to 30 years old. The YAC program is designed for young adults with autism to make new friends while working on social, life and soft job skills. Our group members get to choose a specific community outing each month. Currently, YAC has over 40 group members that participate with the program. Many of our group members have jobs, going to college, wanting to be more independent and looking for their own housing options.

My Summer Journey (MSJ) is a summer program for teens on the autism spectrum, ages 13-19. Our fun-filled days help keep kids in a routine that can make the transition back to school much easier. The focus of the program is to make new friends along with working on life and social skills.

Cost of the Adult and Teen Programs
Our goal for the cost of the adult and teen programs is to be minimal to the individuals and their family members. We want all YAC group members to participate and not have to worry about funding. The cost is $600 per group member for the year. For MSJ, the cost for each participant is $150 per session. My Summer Journey is one of the lowest cost summer camp fees for those with autism in the State of Indiana. The actual cost of the whole program including staff hours, supplies, facility rental is much higher than what the registration cost for each participant.
Did You Know?
Young adults with autism face social, education, and employment challenges. Research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests fewer young adults with autism have the same opportunities as peers without autism. For example, individuals with autism have high rates of unemployment or under-employment and low participation in education beyond high school. The majority with autism continues to live with relatives or immediate family, and they have limited opportunity for community or social activities. In fact, about 40 percent young adults with autism spend little or no time with friends.
More than 40 percent of the teens with autism never see friends outside of school. Half were never invited to take part in activities. Teens with autism are at risk of being bullied by peers because of repetitive behaviors, unusual interests, or not having age-appropriate social skills. Due to the chaos of puberty and the increased social expectations from their peers, autistic teens often struggle with their emotions. Some develop depression or anxiety. Having a program like My Summer Journey will allow teens with autism to learn how to make friends and to be themselves in a safe environment while enjoying fun summer activities and outings in the community. My Summer Journey participants are usually nervous the first day of the program, but by the end of the week participants can’t wait to come back and look forward to next summer’s program.
All of this leads to a lower quality of life for young adults and teens with autism.
How can YOU get involved to improve their quality of life?

Become A Program Mission Sponsor – $5,000
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- Teen & Adult program participants will receive an ACC t-shirt with sponsor logo
- Announced as a special outing sponsor for teen and adult program special outings
- Provide promotional items like brochures, handouts, etc. to be given to teen and adult participants
- Large logo on teen and adult program website and ACC newsletter with link
- Highlighted on ACC social media three times during the year
- Monthly recurring payment option: $416
Become A Program Advocate Sponsor – $1,500
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- YAC group members & MSJ participants will receive an ACC t-shirt with sponsor logo
- Medium logo on ACC website and newsletter with link
- Highlighted on ACC social media two times during the year
- Monthly recurring payment option: $125
Become A Program Friendship Sponsor – $500
- Sponsorship announced on ACC social media and newsletter
- YAC group member & MSJ participant will receive an ACC t-shirt with sponsor logo
- Small logo on ACC website and newsletter with link
- Highlighted on ACC social media one time during the year
- Monthly recurring payment option: $41
Learn More about the benefits of becoming a program sponsor with the registration form.
Click to become a Partner & Sponsor
Another option is to download the registration form and fill it out. Please make the check payable to Autism Community Connection. Then mail the registration form and check to:
Autism Community Connection, 2455 Fairview Place, Box 2 Greenwood, IN 46142
If you have any questions contact Kelli Higgins, Executive Director at k.higgins@autismcc-in.org or call 317-676-4222 x101.